Sunday, 31 May 2015

A nice surprise

I was delighted when the postman delivered an unexpected package yesterday from those lovely people at, 'the ultimate horticultural discount directory'. Despite the fact that this sounds like yet another organisation just trying to make you buy something, I'd recommend its newsletters to my fellow allotmenteers. Anyway, in return for a little something I did for them, they have sent me a bundle of goodies (pictured), amongst which was a packet of cabbage seeds. I shall sow them, against my better judgement: I'm not a huge fan of cabbage and I'm definitely not a fan of debugging cabbage before cooking. However, in the spirit of adventure I'm going to give it a go.

Meanwhile, my stock of tomato plants is diminishing, but there are still some going begging. My friends have been pestered to take the surplus off my hands and I've delivered some this morning to a lovely lady who swapped some of my plants for a jar of her home-dried chillies. Husband will be delighted.

Come the revolution, when, if my son's predictions prove correct, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall have abandoned England to its own devices, when London has rebuilt its wall and the rest of the country has reverted to a feudal way of life, I reckon bartering will be the only way to go. Who knows: even cabbage might turn out to be useful.


  1. You could always get a rabbit; lovely little friends & very low maintenance.

  2. Love Cabbages (and of late we are buying the red variety)

    1. If all the seeds grow, I shall have to learn to love them, too.

  3. Will look forward to hearing how the cabbages turn out. Must say I hadn't heard that prediction yet, although I have heard (on FB) of a few northern Englanders wanting to redo the borders and join Scotland!

    1. Let's hope we don't have to go to war to keep Lindisfarne, Rosemary.

  4. Cabbages are my least favourite vegetable but I like the fact you're growing them anyway... a thoughtful gift package.

    1. If they all grow, Wendy, I shall be 'generous' with them and share them around.
