Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Community spirit

Yesterday, there was an awful house fire not far from where I live. In fact, I have a friend who lives in the same close. Fortunately, the family got out unharmed, but the family dogs - who, I believe, raised the alarm - perished. Naturally, the family are  devastated. They have lost everything.

The community is rallying round, thanks to social media. The local gym has become a collection point for  donations of clothes and other goods, and a fundraising event is being organised at the pub down the road. Face Book is full of messages of support and offers of help. Isn't that wonderful?


  1. That is wonderful, with all the bad things happening you sometimes think that the world is a big unfriendly place - but obviously not in this case.

  2. So sad to lose beloved pets but at least the family escaped unharmed. Great to know that the community spirit is still with us in these modern times.

  3. Elaine and Wendy, it does your heart good.
