Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Feeling philosophical

A conversation with friends recently found us discussing the horrors of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Did you see the cartoon that mirrored the hordes waiting to claim their TV from Tesco with those folk lining up for the Food Bank? It makes you ashamed to be human. You don't have to be a committed Christian to wonder, as one of us did: 'So where's the Prince of Peace?' Maybe, we mused, we need a Minister of Peace in the Cabinet.

Well, it turns out that there is an All-Party Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues, with the stated aim: 'To encourage dialogue, on the basis of expert information and opinion from across the political spectrum, on issues relating to conflict; especially on the practical means to prevent, transform and resolve violent conflict.' There is also a Foundation For Peace, which works nationally and internationally to promote peace and non-violent conflict resolution.

No doubt there are other organisations working hard to find ways for us all to get along. I can't help thinking, though, that we should start small: you know, by not smacking a stranger in the face with a cut-price Xbox. My Minister of Peace would be a gentle soul who would sort out local disputes over a cup of a tea and a biscuit

Om shanti.


  1. Commendable sentiment but not sure that it would work in Afghanistan, Iraq, China, Russia.
    Or Scotland.

  2. It was an appalling disgrace and I don't know why they've brought such an idea to Britain (except that one of the large supermarkets is owned by Walmart). And all my Scottish friends and I totally agree with your sentiments.

    1. I suspect it's because we're all part of a global economy, Rosemary, whatever that means.

  3. I might have stood in line for the television, if it were free - then sold it - to buy food for someone in need. Just think - if I got a 100 dollars, I could buy food gift cards - maybe 10 of them at 10 dollars each. That would assist 10 families.

    Volunteering at a homeless shelter, sometimes affords me more than I wish to know. But it's important because that could be me.

    The Prince of Peace will come... and he's going to be looking to find faith on earth. If not for Him I would not be able to maintain it... much less give it away. For me - I keep what I have by giving it away. Whether that be peace, faith, hope, or love - it's my choice. Not everyone sees it that way...

    What a thought-provoking post, Julia. I wouldn't be human if I didn't often wonder about others' behavior as well. Merry Christmas, blogging friend!

    1. Dixie, I'm pleased you have your faith to sustain you. Perhaps there's hope for us yet.
