Friday, 18 December 2015

Nearly there: time to celebrate

Next Friday will, of course, be Christmas Day, but for now I have more practical matters to celebrate.
First off, did you get a fabulous sunrise today? As part of my drive to power through my to-do list, I have been getting up early this week, that is to say, before the sun, so I was at my desk for the view shown in this pic.
Second, I've wrangled a lot of words this week. As well as teaching five yoga classes and two one-to-one sessions, I've written 2,000 words on llamas and started a follow-up article, and finished the subbing/proofing of my two monthly magazine jobs.
Third, it's girls' night tonight. All round to Elaine's house for food and gossip.
Fourth - and this is actually the biggest celebration - Tim Peake is safely installed on the ISS.
Have a good weekend, folks.
Celebrate the Small Things  is a blog hop. Visit Lexa's Blog for the rules, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week. Originated by VikLit) and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge and Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog.


  1. Sunsets and lots of writing are good things to cheer about! So is girl's night! Have fun and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. You've done great this week and accomplished so much! Have a wonderful time at girl's night - I love those! :)

    1. Thanks, Lexa. Friday night was great fun. We had a lovely meal and put the world to rights.

  3. I'm impressed at the work you've dine this week and the early rising! Great photo. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. Thanks, Rosemary. I'm still sticking with the early rising, but when (if) the weather turns cold it might not be so easy.

  4. That's a beautiful sunrise! Congrats on all your writing progress! I had to look up Tim Peake. You learn something new every day, as they say. Enjoy your night out and your weekend! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

    1. Launches to the ISS are commonplace, I suppose, but with Tim Peake being the first British man up there it was a Big Thing here. My husband has a app on his phone that tells us when Tim is flying over head, so we can go out in to the garden and wave!

  5. I had to chuckle when I read you write 2000 words on llamas!

    1. There's a follow-up article on alpacas to do, too, Wendy.

  6. The Space Station is fascinating. We were discussing at work whether we would go up there if we could. I was amazed that most people said no! I'd go - but I think maybe a weekend would be enough! Have a happy Christmas.

    1. I think it's amazing that they're bobbing about up there in ordinary clothes! Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Magnificent photo and I'd love to read about the Llama's. Happy New Year, Julia, and thanks for supporting my blog as well.

    1. Likewise, Susan. The llamas article should be in Smallholder magazine in February.

  8. I'm rarely up early enough to enjoy the sunrise anymore...I need to make a point to enjoy a few of them in 2016!

    1. The downside of early rising, Stephanie, is that I go to bed quite early - and I used to be such a party animal!
