Monday, 10 October 2016

Making connections and weaving words

I was co-host at a yoga workshop yesterday, which is always a lovely way to spend an afternoon. What was particularly nice this time was that everyone there knew at least one other person; sitting in a circle, there was a complete chain link through the whole group. We did some bending and stretching, working through chakras and making the best of the autumn sunshine. (Apparently it rained at home, which was all of half an hour away.) We finished, as always, with deep relaxation. Bliss!

There was a nice connection this afternoon, too, when on the spur of the moment I went to the Weaving Words writing group run by Kezzabelle, our local performance poet and all round good egg. Who should open the door, but one of my former yoga students!

One of the exercises we did together was to write a list of all the things we'd done in our lives that we were proud of. I found this incredibly difficult - in fact, we all did. I could remember doing well in a primary school, but beyond that... After some discussion/therapy, we picked one thing off our preliminary list and worked it up into the beginnings of something literary. Because I'm not very good at it, and because Kezza is a poet, I thought I'd have a go at something verse-like. All I can say is, if they ever need someone to rework Rupert the Bear, I'm the woman for a job.

Work in progress? Definitely!


  1. It's good to stretch ourselves isn't it? How often do we dare to dig deep and isn't it wonderful what we find? We can spill our findings out onto the page and maybe tweak it into something we want to share with others although sometimes it's just a piece for us, to express and occasionally to learn from. I too loved our scribal gathering yesterday Julia :) Kezzabelle Ambler x

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment. See you next week for more of the same. :-)

  2. That sounds a very creative and constructive week all round, Julia. Love the sound of both the yoga and the writing, both of which must have stretched everyone!

    1. Yes, Rosemary. Plenty of work for body and mind.
