Monday, 5 February 2018

Justifiable procrastination

If you're looking for a legitimate way to put off the moment when you have to sit down and actually write something, might I suggest you take a look at the You Tube channel called 'Just Write'? It's full of fascinating material and the videos aren't too long, so you can watch one while you have a tea break without feeling guilty.

The channel's creator Sage Hyden offers this description of the content: 

I’m obsessed with the question “How does someone become a great artist?” Many of my videos cover the fundamentals of storytelling, but they're not all about technique. Becoming a writer is so much more than learning how to write plot twists, so I want to encourage us to adopt a kind of "creative mindset" that will lead both of us toward artistic fulfillment. For me, that means being observational, critical, and self-reflective. It means engaging with the world as much as possible. 

Definitely worth a look.


  1. I'm procrastinating today here I go.

  2. Sounds intriguing. Will go find them and have a listen. Thanks for the info, Julia.

  3. A creative mindset - this sounds interesting. I think I need some of this right now, thanks Julia.

    1. We all need new sources of inspiration, Suzanne.

  4. "Engaging the world as much as possible" is little hard for me, being an introvert, but I try not to be TOO much of a recluse! Thanks for the Just Write link. I didn't know about that YT channel.

  5. Oh, I won't look right now... I'll wait until a proper break... wonder how long I'll resist, Julia!

    1. Look on it as research, if that helps, Rosemary.

  6. That channel sounds great! Thank you for posting it. I'll definitely check it out.
