Friday, 1 February 2019

Bad news for some writers; good news for me!

This is just a quick post, because today has been set aside to get on with writing that book.

Many of my writer friends will have seen that Spirit & Destiny mag is now taking all rights from its fiction contributors. There are, of course, plenty of people who will still submit and be happy with a one-off reward, whether this be through naivety or conscious decision-making. The only story I ever submitted to S&D was rejected, but I'm still sad that it's following Woman's Weekly down this path. Who's next, I wonder.

A bit of good news for me (she says, full of her own importance) is that my winning entry in the Senior Travel Expert 'heritage' competition is now online here. Do take a look, if you have a mo.

Stay warm, folks!


  1. Congratulations, Julia. Nice article and pictures. And hope your writing day goes well and that you get a lot accomplished.

  2. I feel like I've been on a tour through your lovely area after reading your article.:-)

    1. Who knows, Priscilla, perhaps one day you'll do it for real.

  3. Congratulations on a great win, Julia!

  4. Read your article, Julia. It was great. I'm always so caught up in the names of places over there. How on earth would you ever know that's a pub? It likes like a house. Do they do a lot of business?

    That's pretty sucky about the magazine hijacking your rights. I guess that's legal?

    Anyway, congrats on the great article!

    1. The pub is open every day of the year. It gets quite a bit of passing trade from the waterways and lots of walkers drop in for a pint; but yes, you have to know it's there. As for the rights issue, yes, sadly it seems magazines can do what they like, as long as they tell you they're doing it.
