Thursday, 2 April 2020

Bedtime stories

A few weeks ago, I went along to 3P Publishing to record a podcast about my writing life. It hasn't been broadcast yet - I'll let you know when it is, of course - but in the meantime, the 3P team have started another stream of podcasts, namely a bedtime story every night at 9pm. On Tuesday, one of my stories was broadcast, Scoring An Own Goal in Tennis, which I recorded at home using Audacity and emailed across.

I'm getting the hang of reading out my own stories, I think, but recording them is a little different. Setting aside the popping p and the hissing s, which problems can be resolved by positioning the mic correctly, there are also considerations of when to breathe and swallow, and how to turn the pages without making a noise.

I thought I'd done an OK job, but on listening back before I submitted the MP3 file, I realised that in spite of it being written correctly on the page as 'Tommy and Bob', I'd actually said 'Bobby and Tom'. Why?! Anyway, I was able to re-record a snippet and edit it in (or rather, Mr Thorley did the editing for me) and you can't see the join, as they say.

Please have a listen, and check out the other stories, too. More will follow.


  1. This was a delightful story! I enjoyed it. And you read it so well!

  2. That was SUCH a fun story, and your performance is so good! Your voice is radio-perfect. (Can you tell I really enjoyed it?!)

    1. That's very kind, Priscilla. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  3. What a great idea, Julia - well done! Hope you're keeping safe and well.

    1. All good here, thanks, Rosemary. I hope the same is true for you.
