Friday, 13 September 2013

Friday 13th? No worries!

Celebrate the small things with me and the rest of the blog-hoppers via VikLit's Scribblings of an Aspiring Author blog, here.

I've not been feeling my best this week, so I'm celebrating the support I've had from friends and family (and antibiotics!).

I'm celebrating the return of hubby from his golfing weekend with 'the lads'. A good time was had by all down on the south coast, despite the odd shower.

Celebrating, too, my son's girlfriend off to start her midwifery course. Good luck to her and all other freshers.

Big celebrations tomorrow when I'm off to the wedding of friends Becky and Pete. Fingers crossed for good weather.

Feeling stressed?

Any of you who live in the area of Wansford, near Peterborough, might be interested in a workshop I'm helping to run next Saturday, 21st, on yoga for positive living. Details are on my yoga website here. If you fancy learning some strategies and practices to give you a positive outlook, you would be most welcome.
.. and relax.


  1. The return of glowing good health after a lapse is something to celebrate, as is the return of a happy, golfed-out husband! I hope you continue to mend and have a wonderful weekend!

    Diana at About Myself By Myself

  2. A wedding is always something to celebrate :)

    1. Definitely. I've known Becky all her life. Should be a lovely day.

  3. Fingers crossed for the weather and for you feeling better!
    Enjoy your time at the wedding and congratulations to your friends ;)

  4. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, I hope you're back up to snuff soon!

    Hope you have fun at the wedding and that your yoga conference goes awesome!

  5. Sounds like you have an exciting weekend planned. Enjoy!

  6. Hope the weather is wonderful for the wedding. I hope you feel better and enjoy your weekend! :)

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon, Julia. Enjoy the wedding! :)

  8. Lots of weddings going on, I tell you! Glad you're feeling better. I think a lot of summer colds happened in the last couple of weeks. Writer’s Mark

  9. I hope you feel better. Yoga for positive living sounds interesting - wish I was a bit nearer (although I do know Peterborough a bit, as my family hail from Cambridgeshire).

  10. Thanks to everyone for their comments.
