Sunday, 29 October 2017

Another year on planet earth

I'm delighted that this year the clock's have fallen back on my birthday, so I have an extra hour to spend celebrating. Mr Thorley is cooking me homemade pizza and lemon drizzle cake, and this evening we are going to the Royal Theatre in Northampton for a ghost walk. Spooky!

Every birthday is an opportunity to reflect, as well as look forward. Here are five things I thought I'd be able to do by now:

  • Slice bread without creating a triangular loaf
  • Choose wine by its label, not its price
  • Check my car's tyre pressure
  • Walk down stairs in high heels
  • Peel an orange using just my fingernails without getting juice all the way up to armpits.
I am still a work in progress.


  1. Happy birthday, Julia! Sounds like you've got a lovely day planned! Enjoy it! I used to be able to check my car's tyre pressure but I haven't done it for so long that I think I've lost the knack. Ah well, there's always a helpful chap around, isn't there...!?

    1. Thank you. I had a splendid day - and I'm glad I'm not the only woman happy to put aside the feminist cause when needs must!

  2. How was the pizza and cake?

  3. Belated happy birthday, Julia (mine was on Thursday!) - hope you had a lovely day.
