Sunday, 22 July 2018

Festival time

Every town in the land seems to be having a festival these days, and dear old Kettering is no exception. This year's KettFest was blessed with glorious weather (obviously), but could have done with a bit more publicity, and sooner. Nevertheless, a good time was had by all.

I played my part. I hosted a creative writing event in the town library at which people were invited to drop in and create a character based on the prompts I had provided. This was great fun and there were some lovely - and surprising - words written. Then I dashed around the corner to take part in a spoken word event, where I read out a story from Nine Lives and a short piece from Stripped-back Yoga. There were people taking part not just from the town, but also further afield, and organiser Kezzabelle (who took this pic of me) did a great job of coordinating it all.

My turn went down well, but I could definitely do with a bit more practice with a mic. Part of the  problem was that there was no monitor, so I couldn't hear myself through the PA, but the bigger problem was that I found it hard to stay close enough to the stand.

Anyone got any tips for me?


  1. It's hard to read from a book at a standing microphone because you have to hold the book open with two hands yet stay out of the way of the stand! (It's easier with a podium.) I know you said you had a little trouble, but I'm sure you did fine.

    1. Well, people laughed in the right places, so it can't have been that bad, but I'm sure I could do better. I shall just have to perform more often!

  2. That sounds like all kinds of fun! The more eposure you get, the better. You'll get the hang of it.

    1. I'm sure you're right. The more I do it, the better I'll get.

  3. I find working with a microphone difficult, especially when it's on stand because any move of the head and your voice drifts away. I find it easier to hold the mic so that I can move it with my head - but difficult to hold a book and a mic. If the reading fits on one A4 page you can hold that and the mic. Clip on mics are best but better still is a small inside venue where you don't need a mic!

    1. Yes, I was drifting. Perhaps I should learn my stories off by heart!

  4. I remember how freaky it was the first time I used a sound system...hearing my voice a second time in delay. Really did a job on my focus.

    1. It's weird, isn't it? I used to record a piece every week for a friend's internet radio show and every time I'd say, 'Is that really how I sound?'
