Monday, 7 November 2011

The Divisional in the recording studio

Indulge me. Let my motherly pride take centre stage while I report that The Divisional, the band that son Joe plays drums in, have (has?) recorded a new EP featuring two tracks: ‘Insecure/Manicure’ and ‘Yew Tree’. The songs can be downloaded from their Facebook page, so if you get a minute have a listen and, if appropriate, ‘Like’ the site. Thanks.

I love the way Joe has been taught to play the drums. His wonderful teacher Glenn has not only guided him successfully through his grades, but has also encouraged him to play – and, importantly, to listen to – as wide a range of music as possible.

As a child, I learned to play the piano. Indeed, I passed my Grade 8 exam. But despite this, I wouldn’t say I’m a pianist. My teacher, a formidable woman who bore the forenames of Lena Prudence Anne, no less, taught me to pass exams, but I don’t remember ever learning a piece of music just for the sheer joy of it. Consequently, while I can still bash out a fair interpretation of Chopin’s ‘Raindrop Prelude’, I would struggle to play anything modern, and songs are certainly beyond me.

I don’t know why this should be the case. It’s not as though the actual notes are particularly challenging. There’s just something in my brain that stops me. Perhaps it’s years of having been told to master the right hand, then the left hand, then to put the two together, perfectly, exactly as written.

It’s a bit early for New Year resolutions, but perhaps I should put a reminder in my diary that 2012 will be the year that I learn something by Coldplay.

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