Friday, 27 March 2015

A quick celebration


I'd like everyone to celebrate the genius of Caitlin and Caz Moran. What do you mean, you're not watching Raised By Wolves: put that right immediately. I've long had a fondness for the phrase 'bifurcated ripple crest' (it's an earth sciences thing - see pic below), but on this week's episode of said comedy we were treated to the glorious expression 'bifurcated arse cheeks'. 
Image result for image bifurcated ripple crest
I have other things to celebrate, of course, not least that it's my Uncle George's 90th birthday.

Must dash. I'm playing with the ukulele orchestra this evening and we have a sound check in a hour's time. Eh, hark at me!

To be part of the Celebrate the Small Things blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week. 


  1. wow 90th birthday is awesome, tell him happy Birthday from the stranger on the internet, and I want to know his secret! Have a great weekend!

  2. Someone managing to stick around for 90 years is a great reason to celebrate.

  3. Haha - yay for arse cheeks, bifurcated or not, and Happy Birthday to your Uncle George! I hope you had a great time at the ukulele orchestra. :)

  4. That's a hilarious reference! Happy Birthday to your Uncle George!
    That ukulele orchestra sounds like fun!
    Have a wonderful week.

  5. A 90th birthday celebration - happy birthday to your Uncle George.
    Hope the ukulele orchestra went well.

  6. Thanks, folks, for taking the time to comment. The concert was a triumph!
