Friday, 6 March 2015

Let's celebrate

To be part of the Celebrate the Small Things blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week.  

This week's celebrations are:
  • Lovely yoga students at my workshop on Saturday and all my classes; what an amazing bunch
  • A walk around Stanwick Lakes (it's amazing what you can do with an old gravel pit if you try) and lunch with my friend Will
  • Learning to play Meat Loaf songs on my ukulele
  • The arrival of a 'Save The Date' card for a wedding in September
How about y'all?


  1. Students are wonderful, aren't they? I followed the link to the lakes and wow! Look at all the things you can do there. It was a gravel pit? It sure isn't anymore. Yay for Meatloaf songs on your ukulele, and for a wedding in the fall. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. There are lots of quarries near us that have been turned into parks and wildlife areas, showing a rare example of joined-up thinking by the powers-that-be.

  2. How fun, Meat Loaf on a ukulele! You should record that on video and share,if you get a chance, I'd love to see that :) Have a great week!

  3. Lunch with friends is one of my favorite things to do. Always a celebration.

  4. Sounds as though you've been doing some fun things. Hope you have lots more this week.

    1. Plenty of plans, Patsy. Let's see what happens.

  5. I'm celebrating the rain and wind stopping this morning!
